
Calathea plants are part of the family of plants known as Marantaceae, which is a species of plants from the tropics. In some countries the large and tough leaves are popular for packing small items, like wrapping fish for transport.

Calatheas are famous for their wide, decorative and colorful leaves. These wide leaves make them popular for areas of low light. Low light plants have broad leaves to absorb and use as much light as they can. In nature, they are found in the jungle at the base of the trees.

The Calatheas come in a wide variation of colors and foliage, from dark green velvety leaves, to leaves with geometric patterns and maroon undersides. They are truly stunning and have some of the most highly decorated foliage found in nature.

Many plants are a lost cause once the leaves drop, but most calatheas are incredibly forgiving and often come back to life, even when you have been mistreating them for a long time. In proper conditions, the calathea will reward you with fast growth, and endless leaves.

The Calatheas require lower light than other popular plants. With proper care, they bring color and movement into your house. The plants open and close depending on the time of day and the available light. Their foliage is attractive on both sides of the leaves, bringing a different vibe at different times of day.

The Calathea symbolises a new beginning. This has come from the famous expression ‘to turn over a new leaf’, because this is what the plant does when it gets dark. Give a Calathea as a gift to someone who starting afresh.

Also Known as

Calathea plants are also known by more common names such as cathedral plants, peacock plants, zebra plants, rattlesnake plants and prayer plants.

Personal experience

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