Ta Prohm

Ta Prohm, Cambodja, is famous for the temples that are overgrown and covered by trees. Ta Prohm has been left as it was found, showing exactly what the jungle can do when it takes over control.


Several men attempt to stop Kathrine Switzer from competing in the Boston Marathon.

Quote Kathrine Switzer: I knew if I quit, nobody would ever believe that women had the capability to run 26-plus miles. If I quit, everybody would say it was a publicity stunt. If I quit, it would set women’s sports back, way back, instead of forward. If I quit, I’d never run Boston. If I quit, Jock Semple and all those like him would win. My fear and humiliation turned to anger and my anger turned into perseverance. She became the first woman to finish the race, 1967

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